Dr. Gordon Rixon, S.J.

Gordon Rixon, S.J., is an expert on Bernard Lonergan’s theology. He is currently a faculty member at Regis College, the University of Toronto, where he served as dean from 2005 to 2014. Before joining the faculty in 1996, he worked on the program staff at the Jesuit Center for Social Faith and Justice in Toronto. He holds a doctorate in theology from Boston College as well as a Master of Divinity and Licentiate in Theology from Regis College. Dr. Rixon has published his research on the spiritual context of Lonergan’s theology and its contribution to social reconciliation in a variety of international academic journals, including Theological Studies, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Gregorianum, University of Toronto Quarterly, The Heythrop Journal, and Toronto Journal of Theology.
In addition to serving on the Regis faculty, Dr. Rixon is an appointed Research Scholar at the Lonergan Research Institute and a past member of the Institute’s Board of Directors. He also serves as a trustee for the literary estate of Bernard Lonergan. Dr. Rixon has been a Senior Resident at Massey College at the University of Toronto and a Scholar in Residence at the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. From 2001 to 2015, Dr. Rixon served on the Board of Directors of Covenant House, Toronto and represented the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Churches’ Council on Theological Education. Dr. Rixon complements his academic work by preaching regularly in local parishes and offering educational seminars in his community.
Praise for Gordon Rixon
“Gordon Rixon has spent a busy academic life in ‘conversation’ with Bernard Lonergan’s voluminous writings; he knows them as well as anyone. He is also a widely read man in matters of philosophy and culture in our age. Indeed I am always amazed to hear what he is reading next. Moreover his is a profoundly gentle as well as penetrating spirit. Put it all together and I can think of no one better placed to show what Bernard Lonergan has to offer the community of believers in its struggle to live faithfully in a secular age.”– Robert Sweetman, H. Evan Runner Chair in the History of Philosophy at Institute for Christian Studies
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