Fr. Donald Goergen, O.P., Ph.D.

Donald Goergen, O.P., Ph.D., is a Dominican priest, teacher, lecturer, and author. He has published many articles and ten books in the areas of Christology and Christian Spirituality. His most recent book was Fire of Love: Encountering the Holy Spirit. He has taught, lectured and given retreats in Asia, Africa, and throughout North America. He was previously Provincial for the Dominican Friars of the Central Province as well as President of the Dominican Leadership Conference.
He co-founded the Dominican Ashram, a contemplative Dominican community and ministry of prayer, in which he lived for nine years. He previously taught and currently teaches at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, MO, where he is also prior of the formation community. His doctorate is in systematic theology, his dissertation on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and his current interests include contemplative traditions, East and West, the evolution of consciousness, and the thought of Thomas Aquinas as a spiritual master. Among other honors awarded him, he is the recipient of the 2010 Yves Congar Award from Barry University in Miami.
Praise for Donald Goergen
“The finest professor with whom I have had the privilege to study, Don’s style is at once captivating and endearing.” – Fr. Raymond-Marie Bryce, O.P., Associate Pastor, Indiana University
“Fr. Goergen is a contemplative person, very much in tune with contemporary spirituality. He has carried many administrative responsibilities with steady competence. He possesses the Midwestern virtues of hard work and sober judgment, along with a ready humor.” – Benedict T. Viviano, O.P., biblical scholar
“Few have Fr. Don Goergen’s understanding of the elusive depths of Dominican spirituality. His living of our Dominican life shines through his body of published work on the Holy Spirit as well as his down to earth recorded lectures and retreats on Chardin and our own Eckhart.” – Mr. Joseph J. Komadina, O.P.
“Father Don Goergen, O.P., is a master of the spiritual life. He has not only studied Christian spirituality for many years but has put into practice in his adult life all of those key elements which enable one to grow in holiness…. Let Don show you with the way with his wisdom and insights.” – Father Harry Byrne, O.P., Professor Emeritus, Aquinas Institute of Theology
“Studying Christology with Donald Goergen, OP almost two decades ago forever changed my understanding of Jesus of Nazareth, and continues to shape my prayer and preaching to this day. I am thrilled that Don’s research and insight will now be available to a wider audience.”
– Ann M. Garrido, Associate Professor of Homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology
“Don Goergen has spent his life meditating on the meaning of Jesus and his mission… His work, whether spoken or written, is always holistic: intellectually satisfying, strengthening the heart, socially and pastorally sensitive.” – Vivian Boland OP, socius to the Master of the Order of Preachers
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