Fr. Harvey D. Egan, S.J., D.Theol.

Fr. Harvey D. Egan, S.J., D.Theol., is a leading expert on Christian mysticism and the thought of Karl Rahner. He is Emeritus Professor of Systematic and Mystical Theology at Boston College, where he taught for forty years. He previously taught at the College of the Holy Cross and Santa Clara University. Fr. Egan received his doctorate of theology under the direction of Karl Rahner from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, Germany, and he is the recipient of the Robert H. Goddard Distinguished Alumni Award from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
He is the author of several books, including Soundings in the Christian Mystical Tradition (Liturgical Press, 2010), Karl Rahner: Mystic of Everyday Life (Crossroad, 1998), An Anthology of Christian Mysticism (Liturgical Press, 1991), and Christian Mysticism: The Future of a Tradition (Pueblo Publishing, 1984). Fr. Egan has also translated many writings by Karl Rahner, and he has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and entries in anthologies.
Praise for Fr. Harvey Egan
“Ninety years ago Albert Schweitzer recognized that Paul was the first Christian mystic. Now, Harvey Egan has expanded and deepened the picture of Paul the mystic in this new and penetrating series, investigating the apostolic, Christological, Trinitarian, and ecclesiological dimensions of the mysticism of the Apostle to the Gentiles. All subsequent Christian mystics read and cited Paul, but Egan’s work shows how much Pauline themes were, indeed, foundational for later Christian mysticism. By considering Paul’s relation both to previous Jewish traditions, as well as to subsequent Christian history, Egan’s incisive work casts light both on the origins and the later story of Christian mysticism. A ground-breaking series for Biblical scholars, as well as for students of mysticism.”
—Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago
“Harvey D. Egan, S.J., brings years of study and writing on the Christian mystical tradition to this rich exploration of one of the foundational sources of that tradition: Paul, Apostle and Mystic. Though rooted in the faith of Israel, Paul’s mysticism is his transformative consciousness of the fulfillment of God’s salvific plan in the crucified and risen Jesus Christ. Paul’s mystical consciousness animated his apostolic conviction that fulfillment in Christ is Good News not only for Israel, but for all peoples, indeed for the whole of creation.”
—Robert P. Imbelli, author of Rekindling the Christic Imagination
“Father Harvey Egan is a former doctoral student of Karl Rahner, an expert in Christian mysticism, and is adept in New Testament scholarship. After reading all of his books and many of his articles over the last thirty-five years, I can vouch that in this vibrant and insightful lecture series he will be the best guide for those desirous of understanding St. Paul’s mystical consciousness as well as the real nature of Christian mysticism.”
—Louis Roy, OP, Dominican University College in Ottawa
“Harvey Egan has been engaged with Christian mystical traditions for much of his scholarly life. He now brings his careful scholarship and vast knowledge to a surprisingly neglected field–the mystical consciousness of the Apostle Paul recorded in his letters. Professor Egan is uniquely able to assess and interpret Paul’s enigmatic references to his mystical experience and to show its relevance for Christians today.
—Richard Clifford, SJ, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
“I loved this series both for its emphasis on the experience Paul had on the road to Damascus as well as his urgent drive to preach the real truth that Jesus is the Risen Lord. The listener will enjoy a double gift: a solid understanding of Christian mysticism flowing from trinitarian mystery and Paul’s expression of that mystery in the corpus he left to the church. I highly recommend this series, which is the fruit of fifty years study and prayer.”
—Lawrence S. Cunningham, The University of Notre Dame
“Through keen insights into the profound mystical transformation which incorporation into Christ and his mystical body brings, Father Egan is able to explore and unveil the mystical dimensions, primarily, of St. Paul and of St. Ignatius of Loyola, perhaps the two paradigmatic mystics in action, along with some others, each reflecting and lighting up the others. A welcome, challenging, even provocative, study!”
—William Thompson-Uberuaga, emeritus professor of theology, Duquesne University
“I can think of no better guide to the Christian mystical tradition than Fr. Harvey Egan, S.J. Learned, prayerful, articulate, inviting and always accessible, he is among the best of teachers.”– Rev. James Martin, S.J., author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage“Reading, and better still, praying with Karl Rahner’s prayers is perhaps the best way to understand him. Let Fr. Harvey Egan, a master not only of Fr. Rahner’s spirituality but also of spirituality itself, take you to this center of his life and theology and then on to its wonderful whole wide range.”– Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., President Emeritus, Georgetown University“Harvey Egan’s vast knowledge of the Christian mystical tradition is impressive. Few scholars have matched the clarity of the way he introduces persons and highlights what is important in their writings. His assessments of mystics’ views are always both sympathetic to them and judiciously critical of them. A great guide!”
– Louis Roy, O.P., Dominican University College, Ottawa
“Father Harvey J. Egan, S.J., is one of the premier interpreters of the mystical tradition on the current scene. Well-known for his many insightful studies of the mysticism of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Fr. Egan has also written on the broad history of Christian mysticism, including his impressive Anthology of Christian Mysticism.”
– Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago
“There is no surer guide to Rahner the mystic than Egan. Since his definitive The Spiritual Exercises and the Ignatian Mystical Horizon (1976), to which Rahner contributed the Foreword, he has kept flowing a steady stream of impressive original works and wonderful translations of Rahneriana.”
– Andrew Tallon, Marquette University
“Father Harvey Egan studied under Karl Rahner and is a world-renowned expert in Rahner’s theology. But what is most exciting about Egan’s approach is to reveal the mystical heart of Rahner’s thought. He makes clear that for Rahner theology and spirituality are inseparable and nourish one another.”
– Rev. Robert Imbelli, Boston College
“Harvey Egan has a profound knowledge of both Karl Rahner’s theology and the Christian mystical tradition, particularly as expressed in the spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola. As such, Egan is that rare scholar who brings a critically important third dimension to his exposition of Rahner’s thought: depth, clarity, coherence, integrity.”
– David G. Schultenover, S.J., Marquette University
“Having spent decades intensively studying and writing on the thought of his teacher Karl Rahner, Fr. Harvey D. Egan, S.J., has acquired a deep appreciation of Rahner’s theology, including his philosophy and spirituality, thus acquiring a perhaps unique competence to present it understandably and empathetically to an interested contemporary listener.”
– William J. Hoye
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