Fr. John Randall Sachs, S.J., Dr. theol.

Fr. John Randall Sachs, S.J., is an expert on the doctrine of God and the theology of Karl Rahner. A Catholic priest and Jesuit, he is currently Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Fr. Sachs teaches courses on the doctrine of God, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, theological anthropology, the theology of Karl Rahner, and creation and eschatology. He received his doctorate from the University of Tübingen (1984) and taught previously at Fairfield University (1984-86) and Weston Jesuit School of Theology (1986-2008). Father Sachs is the associate editor and member of the board of Theological Studies. His articles on theology and spirituality have appeared in Theological Studies, Gregorianum, Concilium, The Month, Supplement to the Way, and America. He is the author of The Christian Vision of Humanity: Basic Christian Anthropology (Liturgical Press). Fr. Sachs has been a retreat and spiritual director for over 35 years and is active in pastoral ministry in the Boston area.
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