Prof. Christopher M. Bellitto, Ph.D.

Dr. Christopher M. Bellitto, Ph.D., is an award-winning historian and Professor of History at Kean University in New Jersey. He received a Ph.D. in History from Fordham University. He is the author of ten books and the co-editor of six others; his writing has been honored by the American Catholic Historical Association and the Catholic Press Association. A frequent public speaker and media commentator on Church history and contemporary Catholicism, he has appeared on the History and Travel channels, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and other radio and television stations. He has received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant and is on the Fulbright Specialist Roster.Dr. Bellitto’s books include Ageless Wisdom: Lifetime Lessons from the Bible (Paulist Press, 2016), 101 Questions and Answers on Popes and the Papacy (Paulist Press, 2008), The Living Church and Church History 101 (Liguori Publications, 2011, 2008), and the companion volumes Renewing Christianity: A History of Church Reform from Day One to Vatican II and The General Councils: A History of the 21 Church Councils from Nicaea to Vatican II (Paulist Press, 2001-2002). His articles have appeared in Catholic Historical Review, Church History, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Cristianesimo nella storia, America, Commonweal, U.S. Catholic, and other journals and magazines. Dr. Bellitto also serves as series Editor-in-Chief of Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition.
Praise for Christopher Bellitto
“Christopher Bellitto is one of the most compelling and accessible Church historians working today. He brings together the skills of a journalist with scholar’s expertise.”
– Dr. C. Colt Anderson, Dean, Fordham University“One discovers in Professor Bellitto that all too rare combination of scholarly expertise and exquisite communicator. His lectures weave humor with erudition, prophetic challenge with passion for the people of God, and historical objectivity with deep care for the Church.”
– Dr. Elena Procario-Foley, Iona College“Dynamic and accessible, Professor Christopher Bellitto breathes life into Church history in ways that resonate with the experiences of contemporary audiences. Weaving solid scholarship with engaging stories he brings fresh perspectives to the events and people that influence the rich diversity of the Roman Catholic tradition.”
– Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández, Catholic Theological Union“Prof. Christopher Bellitto is an outstanding scholar who is widely admired for his great clarity as well as for the depth and breadth of his knowledge. Prof. Bellitto is an excellent guide in all matters of church history, and has a special gift for presenting complex realities in a compelling and clear manner.”
– Mary Doak, University of San Diego“Master teacher, expert scholar, and superb communicator, Bellitto presents exquisitely masterful interpretations of the significance of the various eras of Church history that enlighten and delight. Media commentator on all things papal and episcopal, Bellitto captures the importance of the meaning of the past for the Church in the contemporary moment.”
– Elena Procario-Foley, Iona College“Prof. Bellitto is one of the best contemporary historians of Christian history. His profound knowledge of the subject matter, decades of teaching, eloquent and effective communication skills, make his work an indispensable reference for anyone interested in the thousand year-old Christian story.”
– Ines Angeli Murzaku Ph.D., Seton Hall University
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