Prof. Stephen B. Reid, Ph.D.

Stephen Reid is Professor of Christian Scriptures at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University. He holds degrees from Manchester College in Indiana, Bethany Theological Seminary and Emory University. He is the author or editor of such books as, Experience and Traditions. A Primer in Black Biblical Hermeneutics (Abingdon 1991), Listening In: A Multicultural Reading of the Psalms (Abingdon, 1997), Prophets and Paradigms: Essays in Honor of Gene M. Tucker (Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) and Psalms and Practice: Worship, Virtue and Authority (Liturgical Press, 2001). He and his wife Kathy have authored Uncovering Racism (Brethren Press, 2000). He has also written numerous papers and publications on a wide variety of subjects for the Brethren Encyclopedia, New Harper Bible Dictionary and the Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary, among others. He wrote the annotation for the section on Daniel for the Discipleship Bible and Psalms for the People’s Bible as well as articles for Feasting on the Word.
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