Rev. Thomas D. Stegman, S.J., Ph.D

Rev. Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. is dean and associate professor of New Testament and Professor Ordinarius in the ecclesiastical faculty of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. He earned his B.A. in philosophy from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, his M.A., also in philosophy, from Marquette University, his M.Div. and S.T.L. in the Hebrew Bible from Weston Jesuit School of Theology, and his Ph.D. in New Testament under Luke Timothy Johnson at Emory University.
Rev. Stegman has also authored four books: Written for Our Instruction: Theological and Spiritual Riches in Romans (Paulist, 2017), Opening the Door of Faith: Encountering Jesus and His Call to Discipleship (Paulist, 2015), Second Corinthians, Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (Baker Academic, 2009), and The Character of Jesus: The Linchpin to Paul’s Argument in 2 Corinthians (Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2005).
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