Dr. Dorothy Jonaitis, D. Min.

Dr. Dorothy Jonaitis is a lifelong educator of more than 53 years, with 29 of the years in adult education. She is a committed lay Catholic, currently teaching in the catechetical program of the Diocese of Dallas as well as doing adjunct teaching and conferences. In addition, Dr. Jonaitis is working in a new ministry, reaching out to caregivers of those with disabilities. Dr. Jonaitis completed a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching degree from Aquinas Institute of Theology in May, 2002. A natural teacher, Dr. Jonaitis is often invited to address adults on a variety of scripture topics. She was a past presenter at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and the Diocese of Dallas Ministry Conference. In addition, Dr. Jonaitis presented a two-day workshop on apocalyptic literature at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, TX, in 2008. She is the author of Unmasking Apocalyptic Texts: A Guide to Preaching and Teaching published by Paulist Press in 2005.
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