Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Does Intelligent Alien Life Exist?

Podcast-style audio course - 3 Topics
Length: 1 hrs and 20 mins
Closer to Truth
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Is there other intelligent life in the universe, or are we all alone? 

The prospect of alien intelligences has long captivated cosmologists, perplexed theologians, and provided rich fodder for science fiction writers. While we may doubt that the large-eyed, green-skinned figures of sci-fi films will one day descend to Earth in UFOs, it is far harder to reject wholesale the possibility that intelligent life–in some form yet unknown–exists.

Now you can explore this possibility through 17 compelling conversations with leading experts on extraterrestrial life. Alongside host Robert Lawrence Kuhn of Closer to Truth (PBS), you’ll discover that whether or not we’re alone is but one of a myriad of questions raised by the possibility of other intelligent life forms.

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Audio Sample:

Is there other intelligent life in the universe, or are we all alone? 

The prospect of alien intelligences has long captivated cosmologists, perplexed theologians, and provided rich fodder for science fiction writers. While we may doubt that the large-eyed, green-skinned figures of sci-fi films will one day descend to Earth in UFOs, it is far harder to reject wholesale the possibility that intelligent life–in some form yet unknown–exists.

Now you can explore this possibility through 17 compelling conversations with leading experts on extraterrestrial life. Alongside host Robert Lawrence Kuhn of Closer to Truth (PBS), you’ll discover that whether or not we’re alone is but one of a myriad of questions raised by the possibility of other intelligent life forms.

Kuhn’s guest experts–among them renowned astrophysicists, computer scientists, and philosophers–explore various facets of alien life through key inquiries such as the following:

  • If the probability that other intelligent life exists is so high, why is there no evidence of it? 
  • What effect would discovering other forms of life have on our culture and belief systems?
  • If we are indeed alone, does that mean we’re destined to colonize the universe?

Taking you on a mind-bending journey through theories and galaxies, this audio series illuminates the profound implications of finding out if we are the universe’s sole travelers.

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