From Buddha to Thomas Merton: Wisdom from the Great Mystics, Sages, and Saints

Podcast-style audio course - 12 Topics
Length: 4 hrs and 44 mins
Christopher Newport University
(3 customer reviews)
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Audio Download + Subscription
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This course will inspire you and enrich your understanding of the great spiritual traditions.

Your guide is Dr. Kenneth Rose (Ph.D., Harvard University), an acclaimed expert in comparative religion. Under his tutelage, you’ll discover the lives and teachings of eleven holy persons throughout the ages and from around the world. Each of these legendary men and women helped bridge Eastern and Western spirituality. By examining their respective religious traditions, you will gain a deeper appreciation of world religions and interfaith dialogue.

Dr. Rose will help you place these paragons of faith in their historical contexts, showing you how they came to be such extraordinary channels of spiritual power and wisdom. But this brilliantly taught course goes beyond merely identifying a collection of figures of historic and religious import. Through their individual stories, you’ll also:

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Audio Sample:

This course will inspire you and enrich your understanding of the great spiritual traditions.

Your guide is Dr. Kenneth Rose (Ph.D., Harvard University), an acclaimed expert in comparative religion. Under his tutelage, you’ll discover the lives and teachings of eleven holy persons throughout the ages and from around the world. Each of these legendary men and women helped bridge Eastern and Western spirituality. By examining their respective religious traditions, you will gain a deeper appreciation of world religions and interfaith dialogue.

Dr. Rose will help you place these paragons of faith in their historical contexts, showing you how they came to be such extraordinary channels of spiritual power and wisdom. But this brilliantly taught course goes beyond merely identifying a collection of figures of historic and religious import. Through their individual stories, you’ll also:

  • Grasp the lifeblood of religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity.
  • Examine the wisdom of both foundational figures (Aquinas, the Buddha) and modern spiritual masters (the Dalai Lama, Thomas Merton).
  • Meet lesser-known men and women whose thought was ahead of their time.

The wisdom of each of these men and women is not only influential but also profound, moving, and beautiful. Through their words and actions, you will discover new ways to deepen your spiritual wisdom and knowledge of world religions.

Orient yourself within the sublime tradition of mysticism as you take inspiration from the lives of Dr. Rose’s hand-picked Mystics, Sages, and Saints

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3 reviews for From Buddha to Thomas Merton: Wisdom from the Great Mystics, Sages, and Saints

  1. Jerome

    Dr. Rose’s presentation is like sitting around a campfire listening to a great storyteller

    I thoroughly enjoy listening to Dr. Rose and am a nascent student of Thomas Merton’s legacy and that of other important mystics.

  2. Thomas J.

    Loss of focus

    The mystics listed are excellent, however, he reveals very little of their nature, what they were about. He gave interesting tidbits that he thought were important yet he did not do much with them. I wish this one was done with more forethought. You still don’t know much about the mystics after listening. I was inspired to look them up, however. I wish he had a better focus instead of his moving around so much on the topic.

  3. Dr. Robert G., AL

    2018 Spring Survey

    Dr. Kenneth Rose’s course, Mystics, Sages, and Saints is an advanced course. It shows the flow of negative theology and non-dualism from beginning to present through the lives and teaching of key Mystics. His presentation of Marguerite Porete is the best anywhere–far above any book or course on Marguerite that I know of.

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